Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Specialties: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology
Areas of Practice: Professor Friedman is Vice-Chairman of UCLA’s Department of Internal Medicine. He is also the Chairman of the Department of Medicine, and the Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Molecular Medicine and Metabolism at Charles R. Drew University. Professor Friedman has published over 140 papers in peer-review journals, and wrote the thyroid and adrenal chapters for the widely-read textbook, Cecil Essentials of Medicine. His clinical research interests are adrenal and pituitary disorders, as well as diabetes and metabolism. Professor Friedman sees patients and is the lead Endocrinologist at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Outpatient Center. He also has a private practice where he sees patients with hard-to-treat thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal problems.
Affiliations: Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
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