Endocrinology Services at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge

Addenbrooke’s Hospital is an internationally renowned 1000-bed teaching hospital and research center in Cambridge, England, with strong affiliations to the University of Cambridge. Addenbrooke’s Hospital is based on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and sits adjacent to the Rose Hospital for women. The hospital is run by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and is a designated academic health science center. Addenbrooke’s Hospital is a leading center for primary aldosteronism clinical practice and research, and one of the only centers in the world able to offer molecular imaging as an alternative to adrenal venous sampling (AVS). In daytime hours (0900 to 1700) an Endocrine specialist registrar is available to take referrals from other hospital teams and to offer urgent advice to GP’s.

Offers AVS?     Yes


Offers Adrenalectomy?     Yes

+44 1223 348750

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